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Activate Design Limited

Facebook Changability vs Website Stability

The advantages of having a website rather than relying on free social media sites such as Facebook, are becoming more and more clear with new information that has come to light this week.

Is the Facebook user audience is on the decline? A report released this week shows that some 61 percent of Facebook users had taken a break from using the site for at least two weeks for a variety of reasons; from taking a break from the screes of gossip, drama, and irrelevant information, to the fact that many people seem to have realised they have been spending too much time on the site, and need to re-think their time allocations. Privacy and security concerns on Social Media sites have also received plenty of media coverage of late.

This shift in user activity may be due to the new charges that were launched in late 2012, where you must pay for the priviledge of having your posts reach all of your followers, or otherwise be satisfied that only a percentage of your randomly chosen followers will be seeing any of your posts at all.

This introduction of charges also had another effect, causing users to realise that websites of this type can change without notice in the form of charges, display and formats, even how they operate. Facebook offers you no control over how you can utilise this marketing tool. It's a take-it or leave-it social media platform with little or no stability.

For those who have spent vast amounts of time setting up their business pages and marketing hot spots on Facebook, it has come as a huge disappointment that free social media sites cannot be relied upon to work as they previously have. We have people just like this come to us and we are able to create a client-friendly, editable website for them, as well as the ability to have a Blog streaming through their site, and a customised Email Marketing Newsletter to reach their target audience.

The time to have your own website is now. Facebook is a free media site that can still offer benefits, but not stability. I would encourage everyone currently advertising on Facebook to invest in their own website where your followers can find your permanent, reliable internet presence when they want it.

I say it is time to action your own website presence now because you want to encourage your Facebook audience to sign-up to your Newsletter, and you want to do this NOW before Facebook change their charges or conditions on the way you can advertise to your followers.

Contact us today to discuss your website needs and how we can conceptualise, design and build a stunning website that will best reflect your style, as well as offering easy-to-use editable features allowing you to control, change and add your own content at your own convenience.

See our Portfolio page for examples of our previous website design projects.

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